



About Me


User Based Design

A photograph of Jackson

"Design Foundations" is a class I took in my Freshman Year of college. This class served as a way for students to learn about the fundamentals of design. What makes a design good? What makes a design not good? Ultimately, for me, the class was a way for me to use those fundamentals to start working on wonderful designs. Funny enough, the links below are to project posts on an alternate website that was created as a part of the Design Foundations course. Not as cool as this site (which I coded by hand), but an interesting look into the design foundations past.

Full Digital Prototype - "Alone Time" App
Self Observation
Designs out of Observation
Observation and Empathy Mapping

"Fundamentals of Human-Computer Interaction" is a more in-depth exploration of how designers can make more efficient and user-friendly designs. This included a semester-long project that had user observation, interviewing, prototyping, and ultimately a high-fidelity digital prototype made in Figma.

Food Intolerance App Formative Research
Food Intolerance App Project Proposal